Thursday, October 25, 2012

Photo Update!

Looking great in our wedding photos was my primary and mostly only motivator for working out and losing weight!  I didn't want to look back at our photos and think 'who's the elephant in the white dress' ..well, we finally got back some of our professional photos and I honestly must say I feel AMAZING looking at them!  I had to share a few :)

Now that our wedding is over and I don't have to stress about fitting in my dress and looking great, I'm going to need some different motivation!  I really don't want to gain the weight back.  I want to keep losing.  I worked too hard, for too long to just give up and not continue the progress and maintain.  Hopefully, life will be slowing down and I can finally post some awesome recipes I've tired that are great and super healthy! :)



  1. gorgeous!! I got married in April and my weight started inching up and I did NOT want to go back to how I was, so I signed up for a sprint triathlon- that way I was training and had a goal to work for... just an idea that worked for me...

    1. That sounds like a great idea! I'll definitely have to look into something like that!

  2. That is so awesome! You look amazing!

  3. You look beautiful! My goal weight is also between 135-140. I am 5 5" and currently 175 pounds and haven't been this big since mid-pregnancy. I dread getting dressed everyday because I have very few clothes in my closet I feel make me look "normal" and not chunky. I can't wear 75% of my clothes because they don't fit! Yes, I can squeeze into them, but you get the point. I quit smoking two weeks ago so I am afraid of the whole "replacing one addiction with another" scenerio that happens to a lot of recovering addicts. Food has always been a comfort and is even more so now. Today is Sunday... the day of the week when I quit smoking (with success) so I vowed that I would start TODAY. I went to the grocery store and bought a ton of healthy foods and am trying to figure out what type of exercise I could do everyday with my lifestyle (having a 2 year old an working full time - midnights). I could workout after work but then I can't sleep and I try to be in bed by nine in the morning so I can get up and spend a couple of hours with my son before I go to work AGAIN. Two summers ago, I lost twenty pounds on the low carb diet (no exercise involved) and I felt wonderful but the diet was so restricted, I started rebelling against it as soon as I went on vacation and started tasting carbs again. I am wondering if anyone on here has a similiar lifestyle with a baby and a full time work schedule that has time to exercise. I am an ex smoker and I feel so healthy and motivated to be my best but I think I just need that extra jolt of motivation! Thanks!! :)

  4. I just want to say that your blog is just amazing! I loved the pics and loved watching you fight your way to your goal weight! Anyway, you were just an inspriation not only to people who want to lose weight, but for those of us who want to tone up! It's nice to read all of the upbeat motivational stuff you had to well as the real stuff like how you sometimes don't want to work out! So, thanks for your blog and keep it up!
